Navy ssic manual 2011

Important directives information united states coast guard. Networks in general 2011 presidential communications 2012 tactical net. Commanders intent and concept of operations 1 commanders intent. This manual specifies filing and record maintenance procedures and provides ssics for the department of the navy don. Ch35, 31 mar 2011 page 1 of 17 milpersman 5215010 procedures for submission of changes to navpers 15560d, naval military personnel manual milpersman responsible office navperscom pers 532 phone. Assignment of responsibilities and authorities in the office of the secretary of the navy. Navy standard subject identification codes national archives. Department of the navy records management manual, dated january 2012. The instructions follow the appropriate standard subject identification code ssic.

The navys ssic system is broken down into major subject groups. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. An instruction has a standard subject identification code ssic and a point period. Signature page for all three held at dns5 case file. The online documents in the department of the navy issuances system have been grouped in folders. The records management manual describes specific don records and provides disposition schedules for them. Records management department of navy chief information. Provides the department of the navy with number codes to be used in filing correspondence and directives. Standard subject identification codes ssic, secnav m5210.

This manual replaces secnav manual m5210, department of the navy, navy records. Navy correspondence manual 2012 the offices of the secretary of the navy, the chief of naval. Each record series must be scheduled for appropriate disposition. This instruction applies to navy commands having medical department personnel. Secnav manual m, department of the navy standard subject identification code. Bd, department of the navy records management program d secnav m5210. The department of the navy s disposition authority is found in the secnav manual m52101, the department of the navy records management manual. Find the most uptodate version of secnav d ch2 at engineering m, secnav, department of the navy standard subject identification code ssic manual, 829, active. This manual is to be used in conjunction with secnav manual m52101, department of the navy records management manual. The ssics are the standard system of numbers and letter symbols used throughout the don for categorizing. This manual is to be used in conjunction with secnav manual m5210.

Review of schedule conducted by opnavdns5, hqmc ardb and naval air systems command. What do the points periods, dashes and slashes mean within an issuance. Seniors, and raters 2 navy performance evaluation manual evalman 1. The navys e3 programs primary goal is to enhance force performance by institutionalizing the prediction and design of the operational navy electromagnetic environment eme, and the correction, prevention, and control of degradation to warfighting capability caused by the interaction of the eme with navy equipment, systems, platforms, and. Pdf the us navy carrier strike group as a system of systems. Department of the navy standard subject identification code ssic manual specifies filing and record maintenance procedures and provides ssics for the. Standard subject identification code ssic codes hm manual series. They are also required on letters, messages, forms, and reports. Department of the navy standard subject identification code ssic manual specifies filing and record maintenance procedures and provides ssics for the don. The ssic number is the numerical representation of the subject of your letter. Secretary of the navy all ships and stations department of the navy. Marine corps diving policy and program administration manual.

Standard subject identification codes, 1987, a cold war version of the u. A us navy carrier strike group csg is an important element of us policy projection through military assets. Control of communicable diseases manual ccdm, 18th ed. It is imperative that all records are maintained per secnav manual 5210. Information technology and communications name changed operations and readiness name changed. Don file maintenance procedures and standard subject identification codes ssic secnavinst 5214. Naval correspondence manual pdf naval correspondence manual pdf naval correspondence manual pdf. This manual implements the policy set forth in secnavinst 5210. Manuals enlisted advancement program hospital corpsman. The navy judge advocate generals corps provides solutions, from a military perspective, to legal issues involving military operations, organization, and personnel, wherever and whenever such solutions are required, with primary focus on operations, accountability, sailor. Updated don ssic manual available published, august 19, 2008 the recently signed secnav manual m5210. The requirement to assign an ssic applies to any record regardless of its format and medium. The department of the navy uses the ssic system to establish and identify record series.

This instruction identifies and defines the requirements, policies, procedures, activities, and minimum expectations necessary to ensure a successful navy patient services mission. The csg is a system of systems sos representing both an organisation of people and a. There are how many date formats allowed for use in navy correspondence. The department of navy records management manual, apply. Navy records, they are normally sorted by the navy filing manual. Boats of the united states navy, navships 250452, 1967. Department of the navy information requirements reports manual. This manual implements the policy set forth in secretary of the navy instruction secnavinst 5210. Commandant instruction manual cim is a permanent directive over 25 pages with enclosures. Dsn com fax 8823050 901 874 3050 8822773 mynavy career center phone. Government printing office style manual secnav m5210. This manual implements policy set forth in secretary of the navy instruction 5216.

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